-- Deepak Chopra
"Keep your eyes on the prize," they tell you. Nothing could be further from the truth! Your focus should never be on some external goal, much less on any reward you will receive when that goal is reched. Your focus, your attention should be placed squarely upon the task at hand, upon what you are doing right here and right now, in this very moment.
If you attend to your current activity with clarity, concentration and power, you have a much better chance of producing positive outcomes than if you trip of into the future or sink back into the past.
The quality of your attention is also determined by the paradoxical characteristics of passion and detachment. Wimpy, mamby-pamby attention produces mediocre results, at best. Teeth-gritting, and sphincter-clenching doesn't do any better. High quality attention is fueled by passion and kept clean and clear by detachment. An imbalance in either direction will negatively impact your outcomes.
So, focus clearly and powerfully on what is before you. Don't worry about results; let the results take care of themselves. You job is to continually upgrade the quality of your attention, and to expand your capacity to attend to whatever the Universe brings into your life.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
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