Pools of Generosity

"People who express gratitude create pools of generosity in the world around them."

-- Martha Beck

Damn, we've got a lot to be grateful for! Starting with the fact that I've got the capacity to write this, and you have the capacity to read and understand it, and then moving right on out from there into the entire rest of our lives. Call me "psychic," but I'm just betting that you have at least an adequate place to live, good food to eat, some clothes to wear, friends to hang out with, and computer access. And I'm just scratching the surface.

So, the Gobzillion Dollar Question is: Since we've got so much for which to be thankful, why don't we feel and express gratitude more? You may have your own individual reasons, but let me touch upon some of the major societal ones. First we are jaded. We've got it so good that we don't even realize how good we've got it! Two, we compare ourselves to others. Let me clue you in -- there will always be someone (actually many someones) richer, smarter, better looking, more spiritually advanced, and with an overall better life than you. Get over it. Third, we're out of the gratitude habit. Except for Thanksgiving, and maybe a quick, rote prayer before a meal, we don't set aside time each day to be thankful.

Sure, there are probably many other reasons, as well, that you, me and most of God's children aren't grateful. The good news is, though, that we can change that. Just by writing down five things each day for which you are grateful, not only will you strengthen your gratitude muscles, you will also begin to create those "pools of generosity" to which Martha refers.

How does it work? Hell, I don't know how it works, but here's one analogy. When you don't express thanks, the Universe assumes you don't give a rat's ass, that you don't appreciate the bounty that you receive, and so it channels the goodies to someone who is more grateful and demonstrative. Start expanding your attitude of gratitude and the Universe says, "Hey, that dude, or dudette, really appreciates things, let send him or her a little more juice.

And so it goes. Gratitude begets generosity. And generosity flows from many sources, sometimes even from the places you least expect it. But it all begins with you. Right here, right now write down five "things" for which you are grateful. Take a moment or two to think on these things and really feel the gratitude. Don't look now, but pools are already forming...

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