-- Shiva Rea
I know you love our mind. You love it so much because you mistake it for you. You believe that you are your thoughts. Nothing could be further from the truth. You might as well believe that you are Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy or Tiger Woods.
The truth is that you are Spirit. The One, the Only. Since you've got a body, you also get to have a mind. And that mind just happens to be filled with thoughts, many of which are mediocre at best, most of which are just recycled drivel from yesterday.
The intelligence of Spirit makes your mind look like that drunken hillbilly in the infield at a NASCAR race. "Yee hah! Show us your boobies," your mind keeps yelling. Do you really want that goober running your life?
So, what to do? Watch your mind. Don't oppose it, that just strengthens it. Resistance creates persistence. Merely watch the seemingly endless parade of thoughts that march through your mind. Let them go, let them flow. Sooner or later they will begin to slow down a bit. Sooner or later a small gap or two will appear.
Fall into the gap. The gap is where Spirit dwells. The gap is where your true intelligence surfaces in the form of intuition. Let that deep intelligence run your life. Let your mind serve a greater master -- Spirit. I guarantee you, it will make for a much smoother ride.
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