After Midnight

"If you don't get it by midnight, chances are you ain't gonna get it; and if you do, it ain't worth it."

-- Casey Stengal

You got to know when to fish, and when to cut bait. Playing the odds is much smarter than continuing to pursue a dream once the Law of Diminishing Returns kicks in. And that's just what Casey's saying here, in his own colorful, slightly bawdy way.

Many times in life, we are blinded, not by the light, but by our own desires. We continue to chase those desires long after any reasonable chance for fulfillment has past. Buddha knew that in spades. He said that desire is the cause of all suffering. Casey may not be a full-fledged Buddhist, but he at least believes that after-midnight desires cause nothing but suffering. And you can't hit a curve ball worth a damn the next day, even if those nocturnal longings are fulfilled!

The question of the day is simple: What desires are you blindly pursuing? And, secondarily, how can you use the time spent in hot pursuit, in more enjoyable and/or productive ways? If you take these questions seriously, you'll be amazed at how easy it is to both reduce frustration and free up time in your life. 

The clock is striking 12 -- do you know where your energy is going?

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