Nothing to Prove

"We have nothing to prove. We have been placed in the life-stream of time, and all there is to being is living naturally and authentically. No justification is needed."

-- William G. Cunningham. Empowerment: Vitalizing Personal Energy, p. 45.

Your existence needs no rationalization. You are here. That alone is proof of your right to be. 

You need not be anything or anyone in particular. There is no role that you have to play, no expectation you need fulfill. Natural and authentic pretty much says it all.

And yet, as simple as "natural and authentic" sounds, it ain't necessarily easy. Other people are the problem Aren't they always!? I'm only being half facetious here. Others, especially others who have not yet learned to accept themselves, have all kinds of rules, regulations and expectations that they'd like to place upon you. 

Of course, you can avoid, ignore or confront them. And each of these strategies has its place. But here's a fourth strategy, a meta-strategy, that I'd like to suggest: Love them. You know what they really need, what they really want, is love. And because they have yet to learn to accept and love themselves, they are laying all kinds of shit on you. Kind of convoluted, I know, but that's how the normally neurotic human mind works. 

Just don't make love into another "should." Love is never a should, it's always a choice. And the funny thing is that you can choose to love even those people that you don't really like. That's because like comes from personality and love comes from core. You can think that a guy's a mean, rotten son-of-a-bitch, and still feel immense love for him. Granted, it's a bit confusing and disconcerting at first, but it's really quite a high expression of being natural and authentic on two levels simultaneously. 

And so we've come full circle, back to you, back to your natural, authentic self. Your only real business here is to find that space of naturalness and authenticity and live from it. Day after day, each day anew. Do that, and all the rest of life will take care of itself.

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