Salvation Begins

"The knowledge of our errors is the beginning of our salvation."

-- Epicurus

I don't know about you, but I'm a fuck up. I've fucked up so many times that I quit counting long ago. I do try, however, to be aware of my errors as soon as possible after I make them. And if I can, I rectify them.

I'm a long way from salvation. A really, really long way. You can't even actually see it from here, but rumor has it, it's out there (or in here) somewhere. And as far as I know, the only road to it is the Avenue of Errors.

The Path of Perfection is an illusion. To even think you're walking it is itself an error! Ain't no perfect people, or else we're all perfect, which is probably a subject for another post. From the perspective of our ancient buddy Epicurus, self-knowledge, especially as it pertains to our mistakes, is the first step on that thousand mile journey to enlightenment.

And so we precede with eyes wide open. Not playing phony holy, or ignoring our pimples and calling them dimples. We look in the mirror in the light of high noon. And while we don't always like what we see, we accept it and continue our reclamation project.

Fuck ups of the world unite! We have nothing to lose but our blindness, ignorance, and self-deception.

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