The Goodness of Gossip

"Gossip isn't scandal and isn't malicious. It's chatter about the human race by lovers of the same."

-- Phyllis McGinley

We all love stories. And we love talk about each other. It's a natural human trait. As long as we're not slandering another person with vile lies, we're just sharing specific reports on the human condition, and these reports can help us to both recognize our commonalities and celebrate our differences.

I didn't know Phyllis, but she was one of my grandmother's favorite writers, so I doubt that she was a nattering, old bitty who enjoyed verbally stabbing people in the back. I'll bet she, like most of us who are not too jaded or crusty to admit it, was a lover of the human race, a writer who relished hearing, and talking about, those few hundred humans she knew.

Just think: There are billions of people on the planet. And we know less than a handful. But those handful represent for us the entire human race. All our first hand knowledge about humanity comes through our relationships to this paltry, random cross section of individuals.

The other day on Facebook I saw an update that said "I'm glad I know so many weird, strange, different, wonderful, beautiful, marvelous individuals." I'm guessing that this woman also hears alot of really cool gossip! The more diverse the set of people you know, the larger your potential pool of knowledge about the human race. While all stories may embody some common themes and archetypes, the difference in the details is endless!

So, today gossip about your friends, acquaintances, coworkers, and family members alike. Don't discriminate -- be an equal opportunity gossip. And, if you have the time, go one step farther, and meet somebody new. Tomorrow, you'll be able to gossip about them, too!

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