The Laughter We Crave

"People crave laughter as if it were an essential amino acid. I believe that fun is as important as love."

-- Patch Adams

The Beach Boys knew it. Whether Daddy takes the T-bird away or not, it's still essential to have fun, fun, fun! LMAO is more than Internet shorthand, it is a wise and joyous approach to life.

But we're faced with wars, recessions, foreclosures, violence, and looming eco-disasters, not too mention the rising price of lattes at Starbucks -- what's to laugh about, you ask?

Everything! The absurdity of it all! And most of all the absurdity that we get caught up in it all and take it all seriously. Every negative in our world can easily be traced to the fact that we take ourselves too damn seriously!

If you wait for fun to find you, you might as well be waiting for Godot. Fun is not found as much as it is made. It is made by a mind that takes itself and the world around it with a whole friggin' mine full of salt. Fun is made by participating in the world as a dance, not as a life or death proposition.

Make no mistake about it, you're going to die. The only question is to do you want to have some fun before you do, or do you want to walk around gritting your teeth, clenching your sphincter and taking everything short of death so damn seriously that you forget to really live?

When you wake up laughing and got to bed laughing, you'll know you have arrived. Arrived at a perspective on life that cannot be dimmed by external events or things outside of your control. Because really, the only thing within your control is you. Whether you choose to laugh and have fun or not is completely up to you.

What you got to lose? Yep, your stress, depression, and misery. Your boredom, ennui, and suffering. Hmm... misery or fun, what should I choose?

I hope you choose guffaws and grins and buttloads of merriment. I hope you choose good times, happy thoughts, and light, love and laughter. I hope you make everyday a LMAO day!

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