Experiencing Being

"Nothing is easier than to experience life as 'one damn thing after another,' to live permanently under the pressure to meet induced needs and imposed standards. Nothing is easier than to forget ourselves. Simply to experience myself as being is to feel the being of all there is, the mystery that being is. And no one who has ever had this experience will ask what is the use of it."

-- Sebastian Moore

Being is core, is prime, is sacred. All comes out of being. And yet, we get lost in the all. As the Tao Te Ching says we abandon the Tao and get mired in "the ten thousand things."

Returning to being is both a return to our true selves and a return to our primal unity. My being and your being are merely different shades, different permutations of Being, itself. `

Being is useless. It cannot be used to get anything because it is at the heart of everything. It cannot be manipulated to be a means to any end. It is both the beginning and the end of all that is.

The ten thousand things will always be with us. Seeing them as "one damn thing after another" is to lose touch with their true being, with our true being, with the mysterious core and essential unity of life.

Out of unity comes duality and then multiplicity. When we return to unity, multiplicity loses its sting. It is no longer confusing, no longer pressure-packed or overwhelming.

When we live from being, we live out the mystery. We no longer feel a need to make sense of it all, much less to manage or control it all. We are in it, we are it. No separation, no battles, no stress.

Being, alone, is enough. Doing and having happen, but let's not confuse them with who we are. We are the mystery of all. Long live the mystery.

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