Spontaneous Action

"Having overcome the obstacles to the comprehension of life as it really is, we manifest spontaneous, unmotivated action completely appropriate to the present moment."

-- Claude Whitmyer

Wu wei. That's what the classical Taoists call it. Spontaneous, non-volitional action, action that doesn't originate from the ego. And, no, I'm not talking about mindless, knee jerk re-action. As Claude reminds us, the action we are referring to here is always appropriate for the time, place and situation.

The key to performing such action, to allowing such action to be manifest through you, is direct and unmediated comprehension of reality. No beliefs, no shoulds, no theories, no emotional coloring -- just pure perception, total acceptance and deep understanding.

Did I say "just?" It's a tall order to see the world as it is without the distortions of socialization, beliefs, feelings, and cognitions. Most of the time we don't even realize that the world we think we "see" is not really the world as it is. Our conditioning is so deep and unconscious that we have a hard time seeing the world except through the filters that have become our second nature.

But when "the doors of perception are cleansed," as Blake said, and Huxley echoed, everything stands clear and undisguised. In that clearing, action happens, without us having to decide what action to take. True spontaneity rules and we act in harmony with what is, whatever what is may be.

That's our goal. Not to have to ruminate and speculate and struggle. To move easily, effortlessly and enjoyable through life. At one with it all, and yet each unique in our own way.

Wu wei. Doing nothing. And yet nothing remaining undone.

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