Alienation & Anxiety Be Gone!

"It is the loss of living spiritual experience in daily life that, more than anything, breeds the alienation and anxiety that plague modern life."

-- Laurence Boldt

We go through life as if walking in a dream. Following our routines, going through the motions, doing what needs to be done and what's expected of us, we are civilization's good, little soldiers, so why do we feel out-of-sorts so much of the time? Depression, bipolar disorder, cutting, eating disorders, and even suicide run rampant through our culture. Why should a people who have the highest standard of living ever seen on this planet be so damn unhappy?

Larry nails is -- it's because we live on the surface of life, disconnected from the Spirit, the elan vital, the essence that makes life worth living. We go days, weeks, whole lifetimes without experiencing the essential Unity of existence. Hell, we even go whole lifetimes disconnected from our true selves!

And so we're anxious about today, tomorrow, and life in general. And we're alienated from ourselves, from others, from the planet, from Spirit. Without the regular and ongoing experience of Spirt we revert to narrow beliefs and dry religious rituals. We choose up sides and argue my doctrine against yours, all the time missing the beautiful Spirit that runs between us and within us.

We don't need to try harder, we need to relax. We need to let go of our striving for superiority and perfection, even our striving for survival, and just be. We will survive. And we will survive much better together than we ever can apart.

The essential experience of Spirit, of life, is the experience of Unity. We are all One. The planet, the people, the plants, and animals -- all manifestations of one essence, all permutations of one energy. And it's that overwhelming experience of Oneness that obliterates boundaries, melts anxiety, eradicates alienation.

If we can operate daily from that level of experience, our lives will be joyous and stress free. We will remove our egos from the equation and let Spirit move through us. When we recognize our oneness in Spirit, there is nothing, and no one, to be alienated from. When we experience the sunlight of Unity, anxiety burns away like so much morning dew.

If each day we make our primary focus this experience of life's deepest core, we will find that everything else just unfolds before us. Anxiety and alienation will no longer plague us. Life will be or ally, not or adversary. And we, we will shine like never before!

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