Worth the Suffering

"Truth is everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for."

-- Bob Marley

No one lives up to all your expectations. No one treats you exactly the way you'd like to be treated 100% of the time. It's called reality. And it hurts.

It hurts when people don't love you, when they let you down, when they ignore you, and when they don't accept you for who you are. You're hurt even by (especially by) those you love the most. And yet, somehow, it's all worth it.

It's worth it because your suffering redeems both them and you. It's worth it because through hurt comes transformation and transcendence. It's worth it because hurt fully felt, rips you wide open and allows you to give and receive love from new-found depths.

Who are the ones worth suffering for? Most of us start with our families, especially our children. Sometimes friends, spouses and partners are added to the list. It's the rare person who will suffer for an acquaintance or a stranger, much less for all of humanity.

Rumor has it, Jesus was one of that rare breed. No, I don't think he was the only one, but he was shining example. And has been said many a time -- we all have our cross to bear. We all have our own unique suffering through which we may be saved.

So, don't expect perfection in others, or in yourself. Suffer not just the little children but everyone. At the deepest level, all are worth it. None are unworthy of our suffering.

But wait -- all is not bleak! Golden moments arise. Moments of pure grace. Moments when all suffering is forgotten and light shines from one and all. These moments arise because of, and in spite of, all suffering. They arise on the far side of pain. They arise through our willingness to suffer and embrace it all. All. Each and everyone, each and every moment.

All will suffer. All are worthy. All are love.

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