-- Michael LaFargue (his interpretation of a line from the Tao Te Ching)
True goodness doesn't need a PR agent singing its praise. It shines forth with its own light. When a person proclaims goodness for an idea, a religion, a political party, another person, or most especially for him or her self, you can be sure that true goodness has caught the last train to Clarksville. And you should, too.
"This is so good, you should give me some money for it," is the underlying (the emphasis is on the lying) message of advertisers, charity fundraisers and televangelists alike. When something really embodies goodness people notice, they don't need to be told. They can then make their own decision on whether, or how, they want to support the good thing.
Better to save your money until a person, cause, or event really touches your heart. Then give what feels intuitively correct. Without expectation of recompense, brownie points, or a tax deduction. Natural, organic assistance is given as easily and sweetly as a flower gives its scent. It is never a burden or a should. Nobody browbeats, scares, or guilt-trips a flower into sharing its aroma with one and all.
Talking of goodness is not goodness. You know goodness when you see it, when you feel it, when it presents itself beautifully and unpretentiously. And here's the real secret: It's around you, and within you, all the time! Don't talk it, be it.
Goodness abides.
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