Ill-Minded Persons

"Ask thyself, daily, to how many ill-minded persons thou hast shown a kind disposition."

-- Marcus Antonius

It's easy to be nice to nice people. It's almost impossible not to be kind to grieving widows, cute, cuddly babies, and earnest, young seekers. But what about the mean, nasty, ugly sons-of-bitches out there? What have you done for them lately?

I didn't say you had to take one to lunch. As far as I know it isn't International Take a Son-of-a-Bitch to Lunch Week. But you might, as Marcus suggests, audit your own behavior when it comes to how you treat the mean-spirited, ill-tempered, and hard-hearted amongst us. Obviously, the're the ones who need your love the most!

After all, it's just a matter of degree, isn't it? Who among us hasn't been in a foul, nasty mood at one time or another? And at those times wouldn't it have been great to receive a kind word, a gentle touch, a friendly smile? Of course it would. Even if you wouldn't have appreciated it in the moment, in retrospect it would have meant something.

So, now it's your turn. How would you like to be Saint for a Day? Doesn't sound like much fun? Give it a try, you may be surprised. Make it your mission, just for today, to brighten the day of every miserable bastard and bat chit crazy bitch you encounter. Maybe even shine on the slightly out-of-sorts ones, too. 

Just try it for one day and see what happens. You can surely go back to being a miserable sinner tomorrow -- that option is always open. Or a happy-go-lucky, unconscious, normally neurotic citizen. But today, dig a little deeper, give the ill-minded person a little cheer. You may even find that you also cheer up yourself!

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