-- Rumi
Have you noticed how everything keeps changing? People, ideas, the environment, music, clothing styles, literally everything keeps changing! And just when you think you've got it all figured out, it changes again!
If your peace of mind is based on things remaining the same, you will never have peace of mind for more than a nanosecond. Way back in the 60's Bob Dylan noted "the times they are a changin'," and they ain't stopped yet. And they never will.
So, if peace of mind is your goal, acceptance best be your method. Acceptance of what is. And what is never remains the same for long. Can you learn to love this constant change? Begin with acceptance. Love is merely unconditional, whole-hearted acceptance, acceptance to the nth degree. No resistance, no denial, no struggle.
It's like surfing -- mind surfing, heart surfing, soul surfing. Riding the waves of change, you not only avoid drowning, you actually enjoy it!
Let Rumi be your surf instructor. Quit trying to make everything stable, quiet and serene. You can't surf on placid waters. Give up control and flow. You alone can be stable, quiet and serene -- in the deepest part of your being. The external world will never be that way.
The waves break all around you, and you keep your head above the surf. Even when you wipe out, you bob to the surface laughing. And you're at peace because you love it. You love the way everything keeps changing.
Surf on dudes and dudettes!
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