-- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Spirit works through strength. Your strength -- to do whatever is necessary, to meet each challenge that life brings, to let the Divine work through you, even when you're tired, doubtful, or confused.
Not that you won't be scared. We're all scared. Anyone who tells you that they're never scared is either enlightened, or as dumb as a post, and I'm betting on the latter. Do what Susan Jeffers recommends right there in the title of her book -- Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway! And amazingly, in the combination of feeling and doing, the fear begins to recede.
As The Course in Miracles says, there are really only two emotions -- love and fear. Each day, each minute, each moment, the choice is the same -- we can choose love or choose fear. Obviously, God's way is the way of love. The coward's way is the way of fear. Our challenge, on a daily basis, is to become less coward and more God.
You're scared, I'm scared, all God's children are scared, and yet, still, even in the face of massive fear, we are encoded, empowered and emboldened to choose love. And each time we do, our love muscle is strengthened and fear subsides a bit.
It's as simple as that, but it ain't easy. Time after time after time, choosing love over fear, making the loving comment, partaking in the loving act. And as you do, more and more of God's work is manifest through you. More and more of God is manifest as you.
A path that consists of one simple choice made over and over again. Each choice the same, each situation different. The path from coward to Divine, one step at a time.
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