God's Thoughts

"I want to know God's thoughts; all the rest are just details."

-- Albert Einstein

I wish the Cubs would stop losing so many games! What's for dinner? I hope this new book is good. Do these pants make my butt look big? Our usual everyday thoughts are so mundane! We recycle the same material over and over through our heads like bad summer programming on the CW network. And brainstorms? Forget 'em. We're lucky if we get a light drizzle.

Ah, but God, on the other hand, he must have some really bodacious thoughts! BIG thoughts. Not the trivial crap that our monkey minds seem to be obsessed with. What are the thoughts of God? How do we find them?

Over many centuries, millenniums even, spiritual practices have been developed to do just that. While they may differ in form, all true practices bring about a transformation of heart, of mind that allows us to see the world from the perspective of the Divine. We access God's thoughts because we realize our own divine nature and the Unity of all existence. God's thoughts become readily available and transparent to us.

So what does God think? Best if you go find out for yourself. Mystics, seers and sages of all traditions have given us some hints, though. It seems God sees Unity within diversity. God honors all with awareness and love and rejects no one. God's thoughts are all encompassing and affirming, not petty, jealous or discriminatory. God is the original big thinker and no one and nothing are left out of the embrace of his thoughts. God thinks Truth.

In one sense, all spiritual practice is about is taking some time each day to let go of our small thoughts and allow the thoughts of God to enter our consciousness. "The devil is in the details," they say. So, let the details go for now. Relax and dwell in the mind of God.

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