-- Butch Hancock
What are we teaching our children? Butch's experience is not unique. Too many kids, growing up in supposedly good, God-fearing households, are indoctrinated with the same crap that Butch was. Maybe "God-fearing" is part of the problem.
Let's make it real simple. First, give up all this talk about God. Or at least don't turn Spirit into a cartoon character God through some sick and misguided anthropomorphizing. There ain't no big daddy in the sky being the Top Genital Cop and monitoring everyone's sexual behavior just to have an excuse to smote them. God, in the usual sense of the word, is a fantasy on par with Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.
Next, drop the hell nonsense. No one knows what happens after you die. Not you, not your favorite preacher, priest, rabbi or swami. Not even Oprah or Dr. Phil. No one. If you get your twisted jollys fantasizing about eternal fire and damnation, go right ahead, but please keep it to yourself!
Now onto sex. Why is it so hard to be sex positive? Everybody likes it. Hell, everybody loves it! It's better than a summer picnic with good friends, cold beer and fresh sweet corn! To teach kids that sex is anything less than beautiful and awesome is just downright hypocritical. And all this "saving it for one person" is patently ridiculous. Something that good needs to be shared!
Let's grow up people! Let's give up childish religious fantasies, honestly align our words with our actions, embrace the natural joys of life and quit sewing the seeds of fear. Life is good, sex is good, love is good. We don't need to make up super natural beings or after death destinations to appreciate these things. We just need to be good to each other and enjoy life's bounty.
Simple and uncomplicated. All of us in this together. One world, one people, on love.
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