Your Bliss Awaits

"If you follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there the whole while, waiting for you, and the life you ought to be living is the one you are living."

-- Joseph Campbell

You don't need strategic plans, incremental goals, or discipline. You just need the cojones to follow your bliss. It's so simple really, but it flies in the face of much of what we have been taught by well-meaning parents, teachers, religious figures, and self-help gurus. Bliss is the homing device that brings us to where we ought to be all along.

But first, you must be quiet enough, sensitive enough, intuitive enough to find out what your bliss is. Perhaps you ask yourself one or more of the following questions:

* What would I being doing with my life if money were not an object?
* What would I do if I knew that I could not fail?
* What have I always wanted to do but am sort of embarrassed to admit?
* What do I love to do so much that it doesn't matter whether I'm paid to do it or not?
* How do I spend my free time, my alone time?
* What makes my heart sing?

And then you listen. And act upon what you hear. 

Bliss is both its own rewards and a pathway to greater things. By attuning yourself to bliss your days are spent in highly enjoyable activity and the road that opens up before you is your own unique path. 

But if you're like alot of people, trusting your bliss is scary. We're programmed with all this garbage about asceticism, sacrifice and original sin. Something that feels as good as bliss has just got to be bad for you, right? Bullshit! 

Bliss is the litmus test. Why even think of following a path that is not blissful? Or as poet/philosopher Paul Reps said, "If it isn't fun, better left undone." 

What is your bliss calling you to do?

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