Just Rest

"Just sit there right now
Don't do anything. Just rest.
For your separation from God
Is the hardest work in the world."

-- Hafiz

Isn't amazing how advanced spiritual practitioners of all traditions basically say the same thing? Zen masters, Christian mystics, Hindu gurus, even Hafiz, of the Sufi school of Islamic mysticism, all recommend "just sitting." Why just sitting? Because if you just sit, and let your wild, monkey mind quiet down a bit, you will see that you are never really separate from God in the first place. Never, ever.

The illusion of separateness cannot be cured by doing more or trying harder. It is not a problem to be solved, but a condition to be dissolved. And the dissolution happens by dunking the thoughts of separation into the deep pool of Unity that can only be accessed through the quiet mind.

So, next time you find yourself doing "the hardest work in the world," i.e., maintaining your separate, egoic condition, just rest. Allow the Reality of Unity to arise within you. God didn't go anywhere, you did. And where you went was merely a fantasy world that you created in that grey matter between your ears.

Like awakening from a nightmare, like returning from a long, arduous business trip, it is time to feel the sun on your face and return to your place of origin. You are not destined for hard work but for rest, for bliss, for Oneness.

Welcome home.

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