Three Instructions

"The Three Instructions:
Be Yourself.
Question Stressful Thoughts
Keep the Channel Open."

-- Molly Gordon. The Way of the Accidental Entrepreneur.

I love it when things come in threes! Threes are easy to remember, have a certain symmetry, and hey, how hard can it be to do just three things? Well, in this case, maybe a bit more difficult than it appears upon first blush.

Be yourself. Of course I'm myself -- who the hell else could I be? But am I being my deepest, most authentic self, or am I just lazily adopting a persona that is as comfortable as an old shoe, and even less functional and attractive? True, your self has many facets, but you know in your heart of hearts which components are of the essence and which are cultural overlays. Nourish the former, jettison the latter.

"The economy is in the shitter, and I'm going to lose my job and starve!" That's a stressful thought. But with just a modicum of questioning, it's easy to see its lack of plausibility. You aren't going to starve -- you'll be a dumpster-diving, jug-wine drinking bag lady. Ooops, another stressful thought!

In reality, most stressful thoughts are subtle. They eat away at us, especially when they're on an endless loop. They are the type of thoughts that question our personal worth, the goodness of others, the beauty of the world. Many times these thoughts propose absurd catastrophic expectations.

Whenever you catch yourself in Stressful Thoughtville, question the veracity of the thought. Is it likely, is it even knowable, is it useful? Most stressful thoughts will get three resounding no's! Drop them like you'd drop OJ Simpson from your wedding guest list, and move on.

Finally, continually open and re-open your channel to the Divine. Let the energy of the Universe course into you and through you. Become like a hollow bamboo through which the Divine can flow. That openness will wash away all stressful thoughts. That openness will lead you to your true self.

Be - Question - Open. Three simple things to do. Three powerful ways to explore, expand and experience the real you.

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