Too Good to Be True

"Something for nothing. It never loses its charm."

-- Michael Lewis

We all harbor that deep wish that someday the world will just be handed to us on a half shell. Something for nothing seems just about as good as it gets.

But back here in reality nobody gets it. Nobody gets something for nothing, and nobody gets that there is no something for nothing to be gotten.

And so, writing in Portfolio magazine on the current financial meltdown, Michael Lewis made the astute comment quoted above.

But it's not just in the world of finance that we hope for something for nothing; it's endemic in all parts of our culture. People think they can have perfect relationships without investing any attention in other people. We but lottery tickets by the gobzillions hoping the lottery gods will smile upon us and grant us instant wealth. We join churches and religious groups that promise a brand of salvation that doesn't require any real spiritual growth-- we only have to believe in ancient myths and magic.

Whether it's in the arena of finance, career, relationships, family, fitness, spirituality, or any other aspect of life that you can name, something for nothing is always a lie. And the sad thing is, we know that. We know it deep down in our bones. And yet we keep being seduced by our own greed, seduced into blindly believing that the laws of the Universe will be suspended, just this one time, and we will be handed (no work required, no strings attached) that illusive pot of gold.

If we persist in thinking like that, the only thing we're ever handed is our own ass (or head) on a platter! Something for nothing is as big a myth as Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, compassionate Republicans, and hookers with hearts of gold, all rolled into one! Just because Joseph Campbell was able to make a good living off of myths doesn't mean you're going to be able to as well.

True, hard work is not always rewarded either. I'm not suggesting that you approach life with testosterone-fueled, ball-busting, nose-to-the-grindstone intensity. What I am suggesting is that you let go of greed and delusion and do those things in life that bring you the most pure joy right here, right now. Don't wait for those mythical rewards, be they from the lottery, from heaven, or from the stock market.

Do those things that intrinsically make your soul sing, and let the rewards fall where they may. Just because you're not pursuing something for nothing, or working yourself into an early grave, does not mean that good things won't come your way. They may, they may not. Either way you will be living days of joy, a life of bliss --- what could be better than that?

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